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Information Gap: Daily Routine

Students work through a series of information gap exercises on the topic of daily routine; what time different activities occur.


Activity 1

In the case of this activity, Activity A, the teacher and students are all looking at the same sheets, so there is no information gap. The reason for using Japanese here is just to practise the language, not to exchange information.

  1. All students are provided with Worksheet A 「むらくんのいちにち」.
  2. Teacher asks and students answer questions referring to Worksheet A

T: 「むらくんはなんに きますか?」
S: 「7に おきます」

Worksheet A (PDF 307KB)

Activity 2

  1. Students form pairs. Student 1 has Worksheet B (1), and Student 2 has B (2).
  2. Students exchange information and fill in the blanks.

In this activity, Activity B, there is an information gap between S1 and S2. So it can be said that Activity B is closer to actual communication, as focus is placed not only on practising the language but also on using the language to exchange meaning.

Note that activities that are closer to real communication require higher language skills of students. If language isn’t used appropriately, communication will fail. They also require more strict class control skills of the teacher.

Activity 3

  1. Each student is given a card from Worksheet C.
  2. Students circulate around the classroom to complete Kimura-kun’s schedule by asking each other questions

S2 「むらくんは なんに なにを しますか。」
S1 「よる11に インターネットを します。」

Worksheet C (Word 14KB)

Activity: 4

Students use the information to work out who went to bed the earliest/latest, who woke up the earliest/latest, and who slept the longest/shortest in the class.

  1. All students are given Worksheet D.
  2. They interview their classmates to find out what time they went to bed last night and woke this morning.
  3. Students use the information to work out who went to bed the earliest/latest, who woke up the earliest/latest, and who slept the longest/shortest in the class.
Worksheet D (PDF 248KB)

Additional Resources

Article: “Developing Your Own Activities: Information Gap”

Developing Your Own Activities Information Gap (PDF 347KB)

Resource created by Kazuhiro Isomura (August 2004).

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