Students read a simple version of the folktale in a manga format and answer 3 questions on the story and themes. Students are introduced to the “tanuki” and learn a Japanese song with 4 animal names and sounds (こぶた、たぬき、きつね、ねこ).
Students read a text about the change to the new era of Reiwa using number of reading strategies. They then apply the information gained to a number of extension tasks.
This resource is a newly revised version of the Big Book in a PPT format. Students make a virtual visit to the zoo, using Japanese as they go around the zoo and talk to/about the animals.
Students learn about the rhythm of Japanese focusing on haku (mora). In activities using their hands, feet drums etc. students become familiar with the pronunciation of Japanese words.
This play, based on a Russian folktale, comes from a collection of plays and skits created by the ACT Japanese teachers’ group for use in their primary and junior secondary classrooms. Students work cooperatively in groups or as a class to prepare and perform the play for their classmates or at a school event.
This play, based on a Japanese folktale, comes from a collection of plays and skits created by the ACT Japanese teachers’ group for use in their primary and junior secondary classrooms. Students work cooperatively in groups or as a class to prepare and perform the play for their classmates or at a school event.
This play, based on a Japanese folktale, comes from a collection of plays and skits created by the ACT Japanese teachers’ group for use in their primary and junior secondary classrooms. Students work cooperatively in groups or as a class to prepare and perform the play for their classmates or at a school event.
This play, based on a Japanese folktale, comes from a collection of plays and skits created by the ACT Japanese teachers’ group for use in their primary and junior secondary classrooms. Students work cooperatively in groups or as a class to prepare and perform the play for their classmates or at a school event.
This play, based on a folktale, comes from a collection of plays and skits created by the ACT Japanese teachers’ group for use in their primary and junior secondary classrooms. Students work cooperatively in groups or as a class to prepare and perform the play for their classmates or at a school event.This story came from a NSW Dept of Education and Training School Magazine.
This play, based on a Japanese folktale, comes from a collection of plays and skits created by the ACT Japanese teachers’ group for use in their primary and junior secondary classrooms. Students work cooperatively in groups or as a class to prepare and perform the play for their classmates or at a school event.
This play, based on a Japanese folktale, comes from a collection of plays and skits created by the ACT Japanese teachers’ group for use in their primary and junior secondary classrooms. Students work cooperatively in groups or as a class to prepare and perform the play for their classmates or at a school event.
This play, based on a Japanese folktale, comes from a collection of plays and skits created by the ACT Japanese teachers’ group for use in their primary and junior secondary classrooms. Students work cooperatively in groups or as a class to prepare and perform the play for their classmates or at a school event.
This play, based on a Japanese folktale, comes from a collection of plays and skits created by the ACT Japanese teachers’ group for use in their primary and junior secondary classrooms. Students work cooperatively in groups or as a class to prepare and perform the play for their classmates or at a school event.
This play, based on a Japanese folktale, comes from a collection of plays and skits created by the ACT Japanese teachers’ group for use in their primary and junior secondary classrooms. Students work cooperatively in groups or as a class to prepare and perform the play for their classmates or at a school event.
This play, based on an old Japanese story, comes from a collection of plays and skits created by the ACT Japanese teachers’ group for use in their primary and junior secondary classrooms. Students work cooperatively in groups or as a class to prepare and perform the play for their classmates or at a school event.This story came from a NSW Dept of Education and Training School Magazine.
Students get to know about rakugo by answering a rakugo quiz and watching a YouTube video of Katsura Sunshine, a foreign-born professional rakugo storyteller.
This play, based on the true story of a famous boy monk, comes from a collection of plays and skits created by the ACT Japanese teachers’ group for use in their primary and junior secondary classrooms. Students work cooperatively in groups or as a class to prepare and perform the play for their classmates or at a school event.
This play, based on a folktale, comes from a collection of plays and skits created by the ACT Japanese teachers’ group for use in their primary and junior secondary classrooms. Students work cooperatively in groups or as a class to prepare and perform the play for their classmates or at a school event.
Students circulate around the classroom trying to find the person who has the other half of the sentence which matches their half. Each sentence is joined with the conjunction から.
Students practise making sentences with relative clauses. The categories are Animals, Subjects and Places. The students must match the word card with the description provided. Each description contains sentences with relative clauses.
Students complete an information gap task while they practise grammar involving how places seem/appear. The topic is major Japanese cities’ special attractions.