Inviting Someone Out Game
The class divides into 2 and students circulate practising inviting and accepting/declining invitations to places. The winning side is decided by luck, depending on how many acceptances they receive.
- The teacher lists the six places: やま、うみ、まち、こうえん、デパート、マクドナルド on the board. Students’ knowledge of this vocabulary can be checked with cards made from the pictures on Picture Sheet (A).
- Cut score sheets from Score Sheet (B).
Whole Class and Pair Work
The class is divided into two groups; the INVITATION group and the RESPONSE group. Each student in the INVITATION group is given a score sheet. The RESPONSE group people think of a place out of the six on the board that they would like to go to, and they keep this information to themselves.
INVITATION group people circulate around the class with their score sheet and find someone they want to invite. They try to guess where he/she would like to go and invite him/her there, using the expression ~へいきませんか。
If they didn’t guess right and the invitation is declined with the response ~はちょっと・・・ they keep asking that partner up to three places. The RESPONSE people accept or decline according to their secret choice.
The INVITATION group people score some points in the following way:
- If their first guess was right and their partner accepts, they circle 3 on the score sheet.
- If they guessed right the second time they circle 2.
- If they guessed right the third time they circle 1.
- If they didn’t guess right after three invitations they score nothing for that partner.
The INVITATION group person then moves on to another partner, and repeats the process.
When the INVITATION group people have tried inviting eight people, they add up their points, and the one with the highest number of points wins. The roles are then reversed, and the RESPONSE group becomes the INVITATION group.
- The score sheet has been made for 8 partners. However, the number of columns can be reduced or increased, or a time limit can be set and the student whom scores highest within that time is the winner. Teachers can also change the list of places to suit their students.
- The list of places can be replaced by a list of time expressions (with a specific place) as in にちようびにやまにいきませんか。. To decline you would say にちようびはちょっと・・・。
- Here is an activity version of this game. Instead of inviting someone to go somewhere, the invitation can be to do something. The following activities are given in Picture Sheet (C): ~をしませんか/みませんか/たべませんか/のみませんか