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Skit: The Big Turnip

Students act out this children’s story which can be easily understood by an audience with or without knowledge of Japanese. The play can be used by students not only in the classroom but also as a presentation for a school event. There are 9 parts.


Story Outline

This story is known as ‘The Big Turnip’. One day a boy sows some turnip seeds from which a huge turnip grows. The boy tries to pull the turnip out, but the turnip doesn’t move. He calls his grandfather to help him, but still they cannot pull the turnip out.
The grandmother, father, mother and their pets join in one by one, and finally all together they succeed in pulling out the turnip.


おとこのこ Boy
おじいちゃん  Grandfather
おばあちゃん  Grandmother
おとうさん  Father
おかあさん  Mother
おにいちゃん  Elder Brother
おねえちゃん  Elder Sister
いぬ   Dog
ねこ Cat

Cast Pictures

The provided cast pictures can be made into finger puppets or enlarged to make masks or ‘hats’ for use in the performance of the skits.

Cast Pictures (PDF 306KB)

Words & Expressions

  • よいしょ – heave ho
  • やった – we did it!
  • わんわん – dog cry
  • まだ – not yet
  • ばんざい – hooray
  • にゃお にゃお – cat cry


Script Big Turnip (PDF 495KB)

When your skit is ready, why not enter it into the Japan Foundation Video Matsuri Contest! Check the details by using the URL below.

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