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Play: Seven Goats

Students practise and perform the short play しちひきのこやぎ which has a cast of 9 players, including 7 “kids” (child goats), the kids’ mother and a wolf.


Story Outline

This story is based on the fairy tale ‘The Seven Little Kids’, with a Japanese twist. While the mother goat is out shopping, the wolf comes to the house pretending to be the kids’ mother. The wolf uses various tricks to disguise himself until finally the kids let him in. He eats all but one of the kids, but when the mother goat comes back she deals with him, and he comes to a watery end!

This is a children’s story which can be easily understood by an audience with or without knowledge of Japanese. It is hoped that the skits can be used by students not only in the classroom but also as a presentation for a school event.

As well as the skits, this section includes a brief outline of the story, the cast, required vocabulary and expressions, and pictures of the face of each character. These can be made into finger puppets or enlarged to make masks or ‘hats’ for use in the performance of the skits.


Cast Picture sheet (PDF 106KB)


Script (PDF 424KB)

Words and Expressions

  • かいものにいきます  I’m going shopping
  • いってらっしゃい  said as one sees someone off
  • こえ  voice
  • やさしい  gentle
  • しろい  white
  • おいしい  delicious
  • ねむい  sleepy
  • たべられた  been eaten
  • のどがかわいた  I’m thirsty
  • のみたい  want to drink
  • ばんざい  hooray!
  • いってきます  said as one leaves the house
  • とんとんとん  knocks
  • もっと  more
  • あし  legs
  • ほんとう  truly
  • おいしかった  it was delicious
  • たすけて  help!
  • たいへん  terrible
  • みず  water
  • やったー  we did it
Words and Expressions (Word 372KB)
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