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Annual Events: Shichi-Go-San

About 七五三(しちごさん)

七五三 is an event held each year on the 15th of November. 七五三 is a traditional Japanese celebration for children aged 3, 5, and 7 to wish for their healthy growth. Many boys participate at ages 3 and 5, while girls do so at ages 3 and 7.

In the past, when medical care was less advanced, the child mortality rate was high. Children’s health was particularly at risk up until the age of 7, and it was crucial to ensure they grew up healthy and safe. A ritual emerged during the Heian period (749-1185) called 七五三, where nobles prayed for the safe growth of their children. This custom later spread to the samurai and merchant classes in the Edo period (1603-1868) and became established as a general custom for commoners during the Meiji period (1868-1912). This tradition, known as 七五三, continues to this day.

七五三 PowerPoint

Through the slides, students learn about 七五三 and what people do on that day.

You can change the language in the slides to suit your students’ Japanese level. There is also additional information in the slide notes. Please refer to it as needed.

Have fun learning about 七五三!


Suggested Activities

Activity 1: Design your own ちとせあめ bag!

<Preparation> Coloured construction paper, glue or tape, scissors, ribbon, and other necessary items to decorate the bag such as origami and pens.

  1. Make your ちとせあめ bag following the instructional video.
  2. Design the front of your ちとせあめ bag. Understand that ちとせあめ is a good-luck charm, and think about what animals, plants, etc. you would put on it. Be creative and decorate it using any materials you want. You can write “ちとせあめ”, “七五三” and draw animals on the bag or cut and paste from the sheet provided.
  3. Describe your ちとせあめ bag’s design to your class. Ex.「これは、わたしのちとせあめです。これは(name of animal/plant etc.)です。」
  4. Display your ちとせあめ bag in your classroom.
Chitoseame bag letters and animals
Activity 2: Let’s make a poster introducing Shichi-Go-San! (Group activity)
  1. Make a poster explaining 七五三 to your school mates. Information can be in English, but be sure to include at least the key word “七五三” in Japanese.
  2. Add photos or illustrations to the poster. You also can display your chitoseame bag with it.
  3. Display the posters in hallways, school bulletin boards, and various other places.
Video Links

Shichi-Go-San video

Shichi-Go-San blessing video

Resource created by Hiroko Langdon (Oct 2024).

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