Verbs and Adjectives Picture Cards
The cards are not in alphabetical order, but have been grouped in various categories such as colours or contrasting pairs for adjectives, and related words (eg.のむ、たべる) for verbs.
No.1 – No.6 are colours, so the pictures need to be coloured in accordingly.
No.1 | あおい – colour the sky blue |
No.2 | あかい – colour the nose of the reindeer red |
No.3 | しろい – leave the snowman white |
No.4 | くろい – colour the Japanese doll’s hair black |
No.5 | きいろい – colour the banana yellow |
No.6 | ちゃいろい – colour the kangaroo brown |
Adjectives can be used to describe a noun by coming before it, eg. あおいめ, or they can form a sentence, eg. あおい。 ‘It’s/they’re blue.’, or トムさんのめはあおい。 ‘Tom’s eyes are blue.’ To make these sentences formal/polite you add です , eg. あおいです。
The verbs on these cards are in the formal/polite form. However, there is a list of the informal versions of all the verbs on the last two pages. According to their needs, teachers can make new sets of cards showing the informal form.
All verbs except for one are in the ~ます form, which indicates habitual action or future action according to the context. The exception is かっています, because this expression is commonly used in the primary context.
Ideas for using cards
A: For kanji recognition
Each word card has an example sentence below the word to show usage. Depending on how these cards will be used, these sentences can be whited out. The cards can be enlarged, copied onto thick paper and used as flashcards. The teacher can use these to introduce single words eg. あかい、いきます Aand phrases eg. がっこうにいきます。For reinforcement, the following games for learning vocabulary can be played.
- バスゲーム(On the bus)
- サッカーゲーム(Soccer)
- にんげんすごろく(Human board game)
- なにがない?(What’s missing?
Explanations for these games are in the booklet accompanying ことばカード44. The hand sized cards can be used for playing the following games.
- かるた(Grab)
- カードあわせ(Matching)
- しんけいすいじゃく(Concentration)
- ことばあて(Guess the word
In the above games, combinations of picture card and picture card, picture card and word card can be used. Explanations for these games are in ACTIVITY RESOURCES Special Edition 2 – Cards.
Reading activities
Roomaji can be whited out and the word cards can be used for the students to practise reading.
Phrase/sentence building activities
Students pick up a card, either word or picture cards, from the pile and make a phrase or sentence using the word.
This activity can be used for reinforcing vocabulary in general. Using adjectives: Students pick up an adjective card eg. あかい、おもしろい、and then have one minute to think of things that are red, or interesting. They can write these things in a list, or say them out loud. Using verbs: Students pick up a verb card eg. いきます、たべます and then have one minute to think of places you can go, or things you can eat. Again they can make lists or say them out loud.
Mime game
This activity lends itself particularly well to verbs, but with imagination it can be applied to adjectives. One student takes a card and performs a mime of word, and the others guess the meaning.
Daily activities
This activity is for reinforcing verbs. Students are given a set of verb cards and asked to put the cards in the order in which they do things, eg.「おきます-たべます-よみます-ねます….」 As an extension, students are given a set of verb cards together with a large picture of a clock. They put the verb cards next to the appropriate time ,and make sentences saying when they do things, eg.「しちじにおきます。」